Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté avec le Fond européen de développement régional (FEDER) - Tourinox

Welcome to Vernoy - 16 February 2021 Tourinox moves

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Welcome to Vernoy - Tourinox

In 2021, Tourinox will move to new premises in the Vernoy industrial estate in Toucy in Yonne. This construction project is intended to support the development of the company's activity. This work was made possible thanks to the European Union. Indeed, Tourinox has benefited from the support of the European Regional Development Fund to the tune of 305,576 € €. In total, these new premises offer a surface area of 2700 m², almost three times larger than the previous premises. The team will move into this building from September 2021. This larger surface area ensures promising commercial development.www.europe-bfc.eu